On January 16, 2025, ICMR-NIRTH organized a comprehensive training program on Sickle Cell Disease management, convening experts
and healthcare professionals to share knowledge and best practices. The training program aimed to equip healthcare professionals
with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve patient outcomes and advance the mission of the State Hemoglobinopathy Program.
Dr Tapas Chakma, Scientist G, welcomed the dignitaries and participants. Dr. Dipty Jain, Former Professor, GMC, Nagpur served as
chief guests and Dr. Ruby Khan, Deputy Director, NHM Bhopal as Guest of Honor. Dr. Shweta Pathak and Dr Vidhya K.S, Department of
Pediatrics, Dr K.K. Pandey, Department of Orthopedics and Dr Namrata Khandelwal, Department of Neurology, NSCB Medical College,
Jabalpur were other faculty members in this training program. Around 60 participants from different district hospitals and medical
colleges attended the training program. Dr Ravindra Kumar, Scientist D, ICMR-NIRTH co-ordinated the training program and extended
vote of thanks.