परिणाम - पीएचडी के लिए शॉर्टलिस्ट किए गए उम्मीदवार    आईसीएमआर-एनआईआरटीएच, जबलपुर के तकनीकी संवर्ग एवं एल.डी.सी. के पदों के लिए रिक्ति अधिसूचना/VACANCY NOTIFICATI ON--===== शुद्धिपत्र =======Corrigendum=== - FOR TECHNICAL POSTS AND FOR LDC POST     आईसीएमआर-एनआईआरटीएच, जबलपुर के तकनीकी संवर्ग (तकनीशियन-1 और लैब अटेंडेंट-1) पदों के लिए अनंतिम परिणामों की घोषणा/DECLARATION OF PROVISIONAL RESULTS FOR THE TECHNICAL CADRE(TECHNICIAN-1 AND LAB. ATTENDANT-1) POSTS OF ICMR-NIRTH, JABALPUR     आईसीएमआर-एनआईआरटीएच, जबलपुर के तकनीकी संवर्ग पदों के लिए अनंतिम परिणामों की घोषणा/DECLARATION OF PROVISIONAL RESULTS FOR THE TECHNICAL CADRE POSTS OF ICMR-NIRTH, JABALPUR    

आई. सी. एम. आर. - राष्ट्रीय जनजाति स्वास्थ्य अनुसंधान संस्थान

ICMR-National Institute of Research in Tribal Health

Dept. of Health Research, Mininstry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India




एम.एस.सी. शोध प्रबंध प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के लिए आमंत्रण (6 महीने: जनवरी-जून 2025)     महत्वपूर्ण सूचना: ईमेल पता परिवर्तन     PhD Admissions Open (January 2025 Session)     Result Announced for various project posts
Dr Rajiv Bahl
डॉ. राजीव बहल
महानिदेशक, आई.सी.एम.आर

सचिव, भारत सरकार, स्वास्थ्य अनुसंधान विभाग और महानिदेशक, भारतीय चिकित्सा अनुसंधान परिषद

Dr Rajnarayan R. Tiwari
डॉ. राजनारायण आर. तिवारी
प्रभारी निदेशक

फोटो गैलरी

  • Every year, on 8th May, International Thalassemia Day is observed to raise awareness about this genetic blood disorder. Thalassemia affects the production of hemoglobin, leading to anemia and other health complications. The theme for this year’s observance is “Empowering Lives, Embracing Progress: Equitable and Accessible Thalassemia Treatment for All”, emphasizing equal access to thalassemia treatment for all individuals, regardless of their location or economic conditions.In line with this goal, the ICMR-National Institute of Research in Tribal Health (NIRTH) organized a hands-on workshop on 8th May 2024. The workshop focused on the diagnosis of thalassemia and inherited hemoglobin disorders. Experts from various fields, including medical professionals, researchers, and scientists, gathered to share knowledge and insights. Topics such as screening and diagnosis of thalassemia and other hemoglobinopathies with special emphasis on inerpretation of results of HPLC were covered in details.The workshop aimed to equip healthcare professionals with the necessary tools to diagnose thalassemia accurately and provide timely interventions. Over 180 delegates attended the workshop.

  • Workshop on Applications of Biostatistics in Medical Research

    A three-day workshop on "Applications of Biostatistics in Medical Research" was organized from June 12th -14th, 2024 at ICMR-National Institute of Research in Tribal Health, Jabalpur. The primary objective of this workshop is to foster interdisciplinary discussions on applications and practical challenges in biostatistics, ultimately contributing to evidence-based decision-making and improved healthcare outcomes.The event was graced by Guest of Honour, Dr. Rajiv Bahl, Secretary, Department of Health Research and DG, ICMR. In his address, he emphasized the crucial role of biostatistics in medical research and underscored the importance of its application in the healthcare sector. The key topics covered in the workshop are Introduction to Biostatistics, Basic Statistical Concepts, Hypothesis Testing, Research study designs and Sampling Techniques, Correlation and Regression, Sample Size Estimation, Advance Biostatistical Techniques, Inferential Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis and Hands on Session with software packages such as Minitab, SPSS and Excel. A total of 28 participants from various disciplines attended the workshop and benefitted from it.

  • ICMR-NIRTH celebrates its 41st foundation day on 1st March 2024 with great enthusiasm. Dr. Deepak Saxena, Director, IIPH Gjandhinagar was the Chief Guest on the occasion and delivered the foundation day lecture on "Evidence to policy: role of resesrch institutions". Padma Shri Dr Yazdi Italia was the guest of honour and speaking on the occasion he briefed on Sickle Cell Control programme and its origin. Dr. Aparup Das, Director, ICMR-NIRTH welcomed the dignitaries, guests and briefed the research activities and achievements of the Institute. Participants and winners of the National Sports Day were provided with certificates on the occasion. A cultural programme was organized by fje staff and students of the institute. Dr. KB Saha, Scientist G extended the vote of thanks. Dr. Nishant Saxena, Scientist C coordinated all the events on the dias.

  • National Science Day was observed on 28th of February 2024. Speaking on the occasions Dr. Aparup Das, Director, ICMR-NIRTH highlighted the role technological advancements for improving quality of life. Dr. Ruchi Jain Dey, Asst. Professor and Ramalingaswamy Fellow, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad delivered invited talk on indigenous technology for drug design and diagnostics. Students of B.Pharma from Sri Ram Institute of Technology, Jabalpur visited the institute on this occasion and interacted with the Scientists. Dr Tapas Chakma, Scientist G extended the vote of thanks.

  • International Women's Day was observed at ICMR-NIRTH on 11 March 2024. Prof. (Dr.) Kavita Sachdeva, Head ENT, NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur was the Chief Guest and she shared her struggles and oath to success. Speaking on the occasion Dr. Aparup Das, Director and Dr K. B. Saha, Scientist G expressed their views and also felicitated the female staff and students of the institute.

  • ICMR-NIRTH, Jabalpur organised symposium on “Sickle Cell Disease in India” at ICMR-NIREH, Bhopal on 22 and 23 February 2023

  • During this two-days symposium, experts of different (clinical and Biomedical) field across the country delivered talks on different aspects of SCD. The programme finished with vote of thanks by Dr. S. Rajasubramaniam, Scientist ‘E’, ICMR-NIRTH, Jabalpur. Dr. Ravindra Kumar, Scientist ‘C’, ICMR-NIRTH Jabalpur co-ordinated all activities in this two-days symposium.
    To watch the event click here

वैज्ञानिक सभी देखें

  • 500+ Research & Publication
  • 20+ Ongoing Research Projects
  • 17+ Scientists
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